Zahájení, Strana 8


129 položek celkem
Unlock the Power of the Old Benoni, Andrew Martin - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
250 Kč

Discover the hidden potential of the Old Benoni, a system where Black blocks the centre from the start, slowing the game and turning it into a strategic battle. This approach is...

Unlock the Power of the Triceratops System, Christian Bauer - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
250 Kč

The setup 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.Nbd2, inspired by some lines Black uses to counter the white kingside fianchetto, is neither new nor overly impressive at first glance. White...

Weapons against the Caro Kann  Vol. 1: Panov and Two Knights, Daniel Fernandez - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
830 Kč

Apart from todays hackneyed main lines (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 and 3.e5), there are some other very interesting choices for White that each have their specific advantages and...