Francouzská obrana

The French Defence is the sharpest opening setup against 1.e4. With his first two moves, e6 and d5, Black tries to provoke the advance e4-e5. This closes the centre and gives...

Do you always have problems finding a good antidote to the French (1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5)? Thanks to this 60 minutes course on the move 3.Bd3 you don't have to look any further!

The French Defence is very popular and is considered a solid opening for Black. How do you manage to gain an advantage with White against it? What are typical plans and how do...

On this DVD Viktor Bologan presents his repertoire against the French Defence. The only way to combat this opening is to choose an aggressive plan and according to Bologan the...

The French Defence is one of the best choices a player can make for his opening repertoire, especially older players with limited study time. The solid construction of Black’s...

The information explosion has led to a massive increase in opening theory. But how often do you win a game with a prepared line? What gives strong players the edge over their...

The French Defence is one of the most reliable openings against 1 e4. The solid central pawn chain protects Black’s king and provides the basis for counter-attacks on both...

This DVD looks at one of the most important lines of the French Defence. After 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6. Nf3 Nc6 7. Be3, the author takes a detailed look...

The French Defence is an opening with a marked strategic character, but it also offers rich tactical possibilities to both sides. This video course is aimed as a tactical guide...

The French Defence is an opening with a marked strategic character, but it also offers rich tactical possibilities to both sides. This video course is aimed as a tactical guide...

The French Defence is an opening with a marked strategic character, but it also offers rich tactical possibilities to both sides. This video course is aimed as a tactical guide...

This French Defence DVD is a complete attacking opening repertoire for black after 1.e4 e6. GM Nick Pert has played the French defence his whole life and provides all his la...

The aim of this DVD is to provide the player with White with a complete repertoire. 3.Nd2 is an excellent weapon with which to fight the French Defence, as the author of this...

Playing the McCutcheon Variation of the French Defence (3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Bb4) immediately sharpens up the game, but quite frequently what soon arises is a positional struggle....

The French Defence is one of the most popular openings - from club player to grandmaster. It’s a very solid opening against 1.e4 but leaves room for counterplay and initiative....

The French Defence is one of the most popular openings - from club player to grandmaster. It’s a very solid opening against 1.e4 but leaves room for counterplay and initiative....

The French Defence is one of the most popular openings - from club player to grandmaster. It’s a very solid opening against 1.e4 but leaves room for counterplay and initiative....