Grünfeldova indická obrana


4 položek celkem
My best games in the Grünfeld, Alexei Shirov - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

The Gruenfeld Indian is an active and dynamic reply to 1.d4 which can lead to complex and extremely sharp positions. So it’s no wonder that also Alexei Shirov included this...

Solid and safe against the Indian openings: Play the Fianchetto, Nicholas Pert - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

The King’s Indian and Grunfeld are notoriously tricky and theoretical openings. The Fianchetto variation avoids the main lines which Black players enjoy, and goes for a small...

Tactic Toolbox Grünfeld, Michal Krasenkow - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

If you want to know an opening, you should understand its typical positional ideas and plans. It is also good to remember variations. But this is not enough. You should also...

Winning against the Grünfeld, Mihail Marin - verze ke stažení (anglicky, německy)
750 Kč

The Grünfeld is a highly dynamic opening in which Black’s position often seems to hang together by a single thread; and yet, this apparently precarious equilibrium appears to be...