Sicilská obrana
- Alapinova varianta
- Dračí varianta
- Kalašnikov
- Najdorfova varianta
- Paulsenova varianta
- Rossolimův útok
- Scheveningská varianta
- Svěšnikovova varianta
- Urychlená dračí varianta
- Další podvarianty
The Sicilian Defense is an old but nevertheless very modern opening. The continuous stream of new ideas in the Sicilian makes 1..c5 the most popular answer to 1.e4. On this DVD...
The Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian Defence is the opening of champions. Kasparov, Anand and Bobby Fischer all made this uncompromising opening a central part of their...
The Dragon is one of Black’s most daring openings, leading to fascinating positions with opposite castling and strong mutual attacks. This DVD provides a complete and up to date...
The Dragon is one of Black’s most daring openings, leading to fascinating positions with opposite castling and strong mutual attacks. This DVD provides a complete and up to date...