Šachový software - elektronické licence, Strana 34

In the Tarrasch variation, White seems to be doing great, but initial evaluations can be deceptive and Black certainly has trumps, creating complicated and fascinating positions.

Discover the hidden potential of the Old Benoni, a system where Black blocks the centre from the start, slowing the game and turning it into a strategic battle. This approach is...

The setup 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.Nbd2, inspired by some lines Black uses to counter the white kingside fianchetto, is neither new nor overly impressive at first glance. White...

The Caro-Kann Defence is very popular and as a 1.e4 player you definitely need a strong weapon against this solid and yet dangerous opening. Apart from todays hackneyed main...

Apart from todays hackneyed main lines (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 and 3.e5), there are some other very interesting choices for White that each have their specific advantages and...

The Caro-Kann Defence is very popular and as a 1.e4 player you definitely need a strong weapon against this solid and yet dangerous opening. Apart from todays hackneyed main...

In the classical system of the King’s Indian White develops naturally and refrains from chasing ghosts looking for a refutation of Black’s set-up. White instead relies on the...

This DVD offers White a complete repertoire against the classical Slav, a popular opening, in which Black can choose from a wide range of plans. In the Slav White often has more...

The Grünfeld is a highly dynamic opening in which Black’s position often seems to hang together by a single thread; and yet, this apparently precarious equilibrium appears to be...

To improve in the vast terrain of initiative, there’s nothing better than training with well-chosen exercises! This interactive video course will guide you to find the winning...

Throughout this video course, we will study how to master sacrifices and the initiative in several aspects: opposite-coloured bishops, the bishop pair, the exchange sacrifice,...

DVD 1 Throughout this video course, we will study how to master sacrifices and the initiative in several aspects: opposite-coloured bishops, the bishop pair, the exchange...

Great players always had and still have more than just broad theoretical knowledge. Every of them has some favourite methods, which simply help to score more points. The...

Play it like former World Champion Bobby Fischer! I have always loved the King’s Indian. My trainers, Ion Solonar and Vyacheslav Chebanenco, taught me to play it with Black, and...

Fritz fascinuje šachový svět již 30 let! Vítězství nad mistry světa Garri Kasparovem a Vladimirem Kramnikem, inovativní tréninkové metody pro amatéry i profesionály, 20 let...