Šachový software - elektronické licence, Strana 22

Order your annual ChessBase Starter membership now and save twice! You only pay the price for ten months "Starter" and get an additional 13th month for free. Payment only by...

Order your subscription to the ChessBase Starter Membership now and get permanent and full access to the ChessBase world! Payment only by credit card. The subscription is...

Making the right strategic decisions belongs to the most difficult tasks at the chessboard. But how can one enhance one’s strategic understanding and methodical play? For the...

This CD by Peter Wells addresses advanced players. It contains an introduction and five lectures which deal with purely practical subjects: the calculation of variations and how...

In every game of chess, there comes a moment when one is confronted with the question: what should I do now? Often, the solution involves more than finding just one single move,...

The great Aaron Nimzowitsch wrote the key sentence: Neither attack nor defence is the essence of positional play, but prophylaxis! Prophylaxis consists of different measures...

In chess we have certain aims - coordination and the activation of one’s own pieces. Sometimes we need a special little something to speed up one of these processes - a small...

Great players of the past used to say – the most difficult thing in chess is to win won positions! Every player has such problems – those at the top of the tree and (especially)...

Using ideas and games of great masters from the past, the Ukrainian trainer deals with various themes.

The centre is the most important part of the battlefi eld. In chess we study various different kinds of centre, some special forms of which were already discussed on the DVD...

IM Nisha Mohota: “On this DVD I show and explain elements of chess strategy and tactics every player should know. I offer guidelines to steer you through the opening, show basic...

The Scandinavian is a rarely employed opening on the hightest level und guides your opponent on much less familiar terrain than for example the Sicilian, French or any 1.e4 e5...

The outstanding players in the history of chess were dominating their eras in their very individual styles, which was also reflected in the way they tactically concluded their...

The Sicilian is known to be one of the most theory-heavy openings in chess, in which you cannot afford to be lazy and avoid learning lengthy lines. Have you ever encountered a...

Fritz 18 vyznačil začátek nové éry a Fritz 19 tento vývoj posouvá ještě dál: hra proti Fritzovi by měla být něco víc - měl by to být zážitek. V době, kdy online šachy dominují,...

Fritz a Šachlík, to jsou ty pravé šachy pro děti! Výuka strategického myšlení, chytrý trénink mozku, napínavé soutěžní situace, spousta zábavy a pořádná porce šachových znalostí...

The razor-sharp Benoni Defence is a fascinating opening and an ideal choice for players with a love for tense, tactical positions. Both sides have a multitude of tactical shots...