Endgames of the World Champions Vol 1 & 2, Karsten Müller - verze ke stažení (anglicky, německy)
Detailní popis produktu
- 01: Introduction [03:19]
- Bobby Fischer
- Chapter 1: Theoretical endgames
- 01: Centurini's Rule - 01.01 Taimanov,M - Fischer,R [08:09]
- 02: Rauser's Drawing Zone - 01.02 Walther,E - Fischer,R [05:13]
- 03: To exchange rooks or not to exchange rooks that is the question - 01.03 Reshevsky,S - Fischer,R [08:22]
- 04: The duel active king against outside passed pawn - 01.04 Fischer,R - Bisguier,A [09:30]
- 05: A bolt from the clear blue sky - 01.05 Bisguier,A - Fischer,R [03:16]
- Chapter 2: Rook endings
- 01: The short side - 02.01 Gligoric,S - Fischer,R [04:42]
- 02: The cut off - 02.02 Fischer,R - Sherwin,J [05:20]
- 03: The missed zwischenschach - 02.03 Gligoric,S - Fischer,R [03:44]
- 04: The race - 02.04 Fischer,R - Benko,P [07:03]
- 05: The power of the passed pawn - 02.05 Fischer,R - Portisch,L [04:08]
- 06: Duel of the passed pawns - 02.06 Geller,E - Fischer,R [02:23]
- 07: Activity is the order of the day - 02.07 Fischer,R - Bisguier,A [07:06]
- 08: Geller's brilliant idea saves Botvinnik - 02.08 Botvinnik,M - Fischer,R [06:24]
- 09: The old riddle of Petrosian vs Fischer - 02.09A Tigran V Petrosian - Bobby Fischer; 02.09B Tigran V Petrosian - Bobby Fischer [05:35]
- Chapter 3: The Fischer endgame
- 01: Taimanov's Knightmare Part 1 - 03.01 Fischer,R - Taimanov,M; 03.01A Fischer,B - Taimanov,M; 03.01B Analysis of Fischer,B - Taimanov,M; 03.01C Analysis of Fischer,R - Taimanov,M [09:58]
- 02: Taimanov's Knightmare Part 2 - 03.02 Fischer,R - Taimanov,M [05:53]
- 03: Taimanov's Knightmare Part 3 - 03.03 Fischer,R - Taimanov,M [04:22]
- 04: Even Fischer's bad bishop wins - 03.04 Petrosian,T - Fischer,B [07:40]
- 05: One of Fischer's most amazing moves - 03.05 Fischer,B - Petrosian,T [04:47]
- 06: Magic against the Magician - 03.06 Fischer,R - Tal,M [05:30]
- Chapter 4: Famous games, riddles and mysteries
- 01: The famous riddle of 29...Bxh2? - 04.01 Spassky,B - Fischer,B [05:35]
- 02: The amazing 13th match game from Reykjavik - 04.02 Spassky,B - Fischer,R [04:07]
- 03: The first win against a Soviet grandmaster - 04.03 Fischer,R - Keres,P [04:16]
- 04: Benko's brilliant idea - 04.04 Fischer,R - Euwe,M [03:33]
- 05: A mistake Fischer never made - 04.05 Saidy,A - Fischer,R [02:55]
- Anatoly Karpov
- 01: Karpov's cavalry attacks - part 1 - Bouaziz,S - Karpov,A [05:27]
- 02: Karpov's cavalry attacks - part 2 - Spassky,B - Karpov,A [06:34]
- 03: The legendary - knight versus bishop classic" against Kasparov - part 1 - Karpov,A - Kasparov,G [09:18]
- 04: The legendary - knight versus bishop classic" against Kasparov - part 2 - Analysis of Karpov - Kasparov,G [04:26]
- 05: A lasso for the steed - the Karpov distance - Karpov,A - Ftacnik,L [05:06]
- 06: Even pure opposite coloured bishop endings are not always drawn - Ljubojevic,L - Karpov,A [02:58]
- 07: Bishops of opposite colours favour the attacking side in the middlegame - Braga,F - Karpov,A [02:59]
- 08: The classic against Kavalek in the Karpov ending - Karpov,A - Kavalek,L [07:23]
- 09: Restriction and domination strategy - part 1 - Karpov,A - Uhlmann,W [06:03]
- 10: Restriction and domination strategy - part 2 - Karpov,A - Ljubojevic,L [07:06]
- 11: Kortschnoj's counter - Kortschnoj,V - Karpov,A [04:45]
- 12: Safety in Rauser's drawing zone - Kortschnoj,V - Karpov,A [05:21]
- Interactive tests
- 01: Accurate rook moves - Karpov,A - Gligoric,S [07:35]
- 02: The congenial rook and knight duo - Karpov,A - Jussupow,A [09:25]
- Garry Kasparov
- 01: The basics of endgame theory - Alburt,L - Kasparov,G [07:38]
- 02: Triangulation - Seirawan,Y - Kasparov,G [02:52]
- 03: A long ending against Short - Short,N - Kasparov,G [02:51]
- 04: The greatest enemy of the knight - Kasparov,G - Adams,M [04:37]
- 05: The dire straits of the king in the corner - Polgar,J - Kasparov,G [04:18]
- 06: The gem - Anand,V - Kasparov,G [01:34]
- 07: Two rook endings against Kortschnoj, Part 1 - Kortschnoj,V - Kasparov,G [04:12]
- 08: Two rook endings against Kortschnoj, Part 2 - Kortschnoj,V - Kasparov,G [06:41]
- 09: Two rooks against Topalov, Part 1 - Topalov,V - Kasparov,G [05:53]
- 10: Two rooks against Topalov, Part 2 - Topalov,V - Kasparov,G [07:31]
- 11: A rook dominates two minor pieces - Van Wely,L - Kasparov,G [06:46]
- 12: The King's Indian classic - Danailov,S - Kasparov,G [07:54]
- Interactive Test
- 01: Kamsky's king in the crossfire - Kamsky,G - Kasparov,G [06:09]
- Vladimir Kramnik
- Chapter 1: Kramnik's technique
- 01: An open file is like an open wound - Kramnik,V - Vocaturo,D [09:42]
- 02: Kramnik's central majority - Kramnik,V - Leko,P [04:52]
- Chapter 2: Endgame - Rook and Knight vs Rook and Bishop
- 03: Mating attack out of clear blue sky - Kramnik,V - Leko,P [03:55]
- 04: Powerplay on the light squares - Nakamura,H - Kramnik,V [04:29]
- Chapter 3: Strategical initiative
- 05: The power of the bishop pair - Kamsky,G - Kramnik,V [04:06]
- 06: Small army strong attack - Kramnik,V - Carlsen,M [02:35]
- 07: The power of the passed d-pawn - Kramnik,V - Howell,D [02:55]
- 08: Kramnik's king - Kramnik,V - Ponomariov,R [04:15]
- 09: All rook endings are drawn - Kramnik,V - Topalov,V [04:37]
- 10: Kramnik's battering ram - Ivanchuk,V - Kramnik,V [02:33]
- 11: The fine art of transformation - Kramnik,V - Gelfand,B [06:35]
- Chapter 4: Kramnik vs Kasparov
- 12: Opposite coloured bishops favor the attacker - Kramnik,V - Kasparov,G [04:40]
- 13: Kramnik's match strategy- Kramnik,V - Kasparov,G [10:37]
- Interactive Tests
- 01: Kramnik's knight defense - Nakamura,H - Kramnik,V [06:07]
- 02: The bishop wants dynamics the knight static - Kramnik,V - Khalifman,A [05:50]
- Viswanathan Anand
- 01: White knight's knightmare - Gustafsson,J - Anand,V [05:56]
- 02: The power of the bishops - Anand,V - Lautier,J [02:43]
- 03: The green bishop - Anand,V - Aronian,L [07:35]
- 04: A light initiative weighs heavily - Anand,V - Kasimdzhanov,R [05:29]
- 05: Opposite colored bishops favor the attacker - Anand,V - Karjakin,S [11:53]
- 06: The Queen wants dynamics the rooks static - Shirov,A - Anand,V [04:22]
- 07: The Berlin wall falls - Anand,V - Ponomariov,R [07:50]
- 08: Anand's counterattack - Carlsen,M - Anand,V [06:48]
- 09: The Berlin wall holds - Anand,V - Carlsen,M [13:56]
- Interactive test
- 01: Double rook ending technique - Anand,V - Gelfand,B [08:48]
- Magnus Carlsen
- 01: The Carlsen endgame - Carlsen,M - Caruana,F [14:26]
- 02: In Capablanca's footsteps - Radjabov,T - Carlsen,M [06:52]
- 03: Do not rush - Carlsen,M - Kramnik,V [07:05]
- 04: Carlsen endgame with knights - Palo,D - Carlsen,M [07:41]
- 05: h- and f-pawn can win in the Carlsen case - Leko,P - Carlsen,M [06:21]
- 06: From the opening into the endgame - Carlsen,M - Anand,V [08:56]
- 07: Rook endings are not always drawn - Anand,V - Carlsen,M [02:48]
- 08: Knight on the rim is dim - Carlsen,M - Naiditsch,A [05:25]
- 09: Attack with opposite coloured bishops - Carlsen,M - Karjakin,S [05:39]
- 10: Magnus mighty knight - Kramnik,V - Carlsen,M [08:42]
- Interactive test
- 01: Small army, great attack - Carlsen,M - Aronian,L [07:38]
- 02: The eternal pin - Carlsen,M - Onischuk,A [04:15]
- 01: Introduction [05:33]
- To navigate to the chapters, use the menu on the left.
- Steinitz
- 01: The Steinitzian method of restriction - Englisch,B - Steinitz,W [19:37]
- 02: Two bishops vs two knights - Steinitz,W - Chigorin,M [11:54]
- 03: Opposite coloured bishops favour the attacker - Steinitz,W - Sellman,A [03:25]
- 04: Good knight bad bishop - Steinitz,W - Porges,M [08:21]
- 05: Opening attacking inroads - Steinitz,W - Mackenzie,G [05:29]
- 06: The transformation of advantages - Steinitz,W - Zukertort,J [06:55]
- Interactive Video
- 01: A knightmare - Neumann,G - Steinitz,W [06:51]
- Lasker
- Endgames with rook and minor piece or two rooks against rook and minor piece
- 01: Mating attacks out of the blue - Lasker,E - Schiffers,E [05:19]
- 02: Lasker's long-range bishop - Marshall,F - Lasker,E [10:06]
- 03: Lasker's monster rooks - Alekhine,A - Lasker,E [07:03]
- Minor piece endgames
- 01: Lasker's light-footed knight - Lasker,E - Marco,G [06:05]
- 02: Extended knight maneuvers - Tarrasch,S - Lasker,E [05:14]
- Classics
- 01: Lasker's miraculous king - Lasker,E - Tarrasch,S [01:51]
- 02: The gem in the rook ending against Rubinstein - Lasker,E - Rubinstein,A [03:27]
- 03: Activating the rook in the rook ending - Schlechter,C - Lasker,E [03:45]
- 04: The monster knight e6 - Lasker,E - Capablanca,J [06:09]
- 05: The legendary fifth game of the World Championship Match against Carl Schlechter - Schlechter,C - Lasker,E [10:16]
- Interactive Videos: Lasker the defender
- 01: A queen like a hurricane - Marshall,F - Lasker,E [04:17]
- 02: The fortress knight - Lasker,E - Lasker,E [08:18]
- Capablanca
- Minor piece endings
- 01: The hammer blow - Corzo y Prinzipe,J - Capablanca,J [03:41]
- 02: The fortress breaker - Nimzowitsch,A - Capablanca,J [03:25]
- Rook endings
- 01: Capablanca's immortal king march - Capablanca,J - Tartakower,S [10:06]
- 02: The breakthrough in the centre - Capablanca,J - Yates,F [09:15]
- 03: Activity: the be-all and end-all in rook endings - Capablanca,J - Kostic,B [10:53]
- Double rook endings
- 01: The correct exchange - Kan,I - Capablanca,J [09:34]
- 02: Opening up the kingside - Capablanca,J - Janowski,D [08:46]
- Three classics
- 01: Capablanca's control - Capablanca,J - Alekhine,A [04:36]
- 02: Euwe's monster knight - Euwe,M - Capablanca,J [05:24]
- 03: Lasker's downfall - Capablanca,J - Lasker,E [03:58]
- Interactive Videos
- 01: A breakthrough - Capablanca - Kalantarov [13:28]
- 02: A brilliant bishop endgame - Capablanca,J - Janowski,D [12:48]
- Alekhine
- The fourth phase of the game
- 01: Flexibility first - John,W - Alekhine,A [06:54]
- 02: Four Queens invite for a dance - Capablanca,J - Alekhine,A [04:00]
- 03: Not all rook endings are drawn - Alekhine,A - Eliskases,E [03:55]
- 04: Not all queen endings are drawn - Alekhine,A - Stoltz,G [10:02]
- Alekhine's attacking king
- 01: Queen and Knight win the fight - Feigins,M - Alekhine,A [03:53]
- 02: Triumph on the dark squares- Alekhine,A - Yates,F [04:36]
- Classical endgames
- 01: The power of the bishops - Alekhine,A - Reti,R [04:06]
- 02: The classcial rook ending against Capablanca - Alekhine,A - Capablanca,J [08:18]
- 03: The classcial rook ending against Bogoljubow - Alekhine,A - Bogoljubow,E [02:51]
- 04: Tricky pawns in the ending - Ilyin Zhenevsky,A - Alekhine,A [03:26]
- Euwe
- 01: The eternal pin - Euwe,M - Alekhine,A [06:27]
- 02: The pearl of Zandvoort - Euwe,M - Alekhine,A [05:15]
- 03: Knight surprise - Euwe,M - Alekhine,A [05:34]
- 04: Powerplay on the light squares - Euwe,M - Capablanca,J [04:25]
- 05: "What a knight!" - Euwe,M - Capablanca,J [05:29]
- 06: Missed win against Capablanca - Euwe,M - Capablanca,J [06:21]
- 07: Euwe outfoxes Spielmann - Spielmann,R - Euwe,M [07:20]
- 08: Euwe's active king part 1 - Keres,P - Euwe,M [06:17]
- 09: Euwe's active king part 2 - Euwe,M - Landau,S [05:06]
- 10: Cochrane's defence and Philidor's win- Grob,H - Euwe,M [05:29]
- Interactive Video
- 01: Knight magic - Alekhine,A - Euwe,M [05:05]
- Botvinnik
- 01: Iron logic against magic - Tal,M - Botvinnik,M [09:43]
- 02: Geller's brilliant ressource - Botvinnik,M - Fischer,R [09:39]
- 03: The classical win against Najdorf - Botvinnik,M - Najdorf,M [06:23]
- 04: A light initiative weighs heavily - Botvinnik,M - Alekhine,A [08:38]
- 05: The rolling pawns - Taimanov,M - Botvinnik,M [03:43]
- 06: Bronstein's Knightmare - Bronstein,D - Botvinnik,M [04:03]
- 07: Long horse races - Botvinnik,M - Thomas,G [08:06]
- 08: Botvinnik's Law - Botvinnik,M - Keres,P [07:41]
- 09: Knightfortress - Spasski,B - Botvinnik,M [05:11]
- 10: Knight domination Part 1 - Botvinnik,M - Robatsch,K [02:32]
- 11: Knight domination Part 2 - Botvinnik,M - Kottnauer,C [05:06]
- 12: The power of the bishops- Botvinnik,M - Bronstein,D [07:45]
- Interactive Videos
- 01: Botvinnik's great breakthrough - Kotov,A - Botvinnik,M [05:43]
- 02: Botvinnik the defender - Botvinnik,M - Euwe,M [04:20]
- Smyslov
- Rook endings
- 01: The wall of umbrellas - Lilienthal,A - Smyslov,V [05:03]
- 02: Complete attacking harmony - Smyslov,V - Konstantinopolsky,A [05:22]
- 03: Textbook defence against h- and f-pawn - Gligoric,S - Smyslov,V [08:03]
- Miscellaneous endings
- 01: Miraculous defence in the pawn ending - Aronin,L - Smyslov,V [04:28]
- 02: The clumsy knight - Smejkal,J - Smyslov,V [05:19]
- 03: The mighty knight - Smyslov,V - Derkatsch [04:49]
- 04: The blockading knight - Geller,E - Smyslov,V [03:56]
- 05: An old riddle - Botvinnik,M - Smyslov,V [06:53]
- 06: The classic against Reshevsky - Smyslov,V - Reshevsky,S [06:20]
- 07: A light initiative weighs heavily - Smyslov,V - Benko,P [04:52]
- 08: The attacker does not exchange attacking potential- Smyslov,V - Ernst,T [06:09]
- Interactive Videos
- 01: The mating net - Smyslov,V - Oll,L [03:32]
- 02: Duel of the passed pawns - Lilienthal,A - Smyslov,V [03:55]
- Tal
- Magic Endgames
- 01: A miracoulous escape - Lipnitsky,I - Tal,M [03:46]
- 02: Activity counts - Kasparov,G - Tal,M [05:45]
- 03: Queen and Knight win the fight - Medina Garcia,A - Tal,M [03:32]
- 04: Party with Four Queens - Tal,M - Kasparian,G [04:33]
- 05: Tal's mighty rook part 1 - Tal,M - Cabrilo,G [05:34]
- 06: Tal's mighty rook part 2 - Tal,M - Geller,E [03:13]
- Rook endings
- 01: The power of connected passed pawns - Tal,M - Bisguier,A [04:48]
- 02: The power of a dangerous passed pawn - Velikov,P - Tal,M [03:09]
- 03: The invasion of the king - Birbrager,I - Tal,M [02:24]
- Legendary Endgames
- 01: Botvinnik's escape without coffee - Tal,M - Botvinnik,M [05:17]
- 02: Tal's magic bishops - Botvinnik,M - Tal,M [04:13]
- 03: The bishop opens the gates - Smyslov,V - Tal,M [04:42]
- Petrosian
- Petrosian's trumps
- 01: The exchange sacrifice - Troianescu,O - Petrosian,T [07:15]
- 02: Excellent Technique and the knowledge of theoretical endgames - Petrosian,T - Ivanovic,B [03:31]
- 03: The space advantage - Petrosian,T - Arutiunov,A [06:26]
- The Andersson-Petrosian endgame
- 01: Petrosian's powerplay - Belkadi,R - Petrosian,T [05:25]
- 02: The outpost squares - Petrosian,T - Lokvenc,J [08:49]
- 03: The king to the centre - Petrosian,T - Pavey,M [04:28]
- 04: The pawn levers - Sefc,J - Petrosian,T [09:22]
- 05: Powerplay on the light squares - Petrosian,T - Planinc,A [10:09]
- 06: Petrosian's prophylaxis - Petrosian,T - Ljubojevic,L [05:51]
- 07: The long king march - Petrosian,T - Botvinnik,M [04:14]
- The Art of Defence
- 01: Counterplay counts- Spassky,B - Petrosian,T [09:16]
- Interactive Videos
- 01: Defence against Fischer - Fischer,R - Petrosian,T [04:21]
- 02: Mating attack out of the blue - Petrosian,T - Ivkov,B [02:37]
- Spassky
- 01: Powerless queen - Kortschnoj,V - Spassky,B [05:09]
- 02: The queen's revenge - Portisch,L - Spassky,B [10:19]
- 03: Miracle escape - Ribli,Z - Spassky,B [04:56]
- 04: Beating Karpov with Q+N vs Q - Spassky,B - Karpov,A [02:23]
- 05: Rook endgame technique part 1 - Polgar,J - Spassky,B [04:33]
- 06: Rook endgame technique part 2 - Spassky,B - Torre,E [04:42]
- 07: Rook endgame technique part 3 - Spassky,B - Ivanovic,B [03:27]
- 08: Double rook endgame technique - Honfi,K - Spassky,B [05:53]
- 09: The famous mystery of the poisoned pawn h2 - Spassky,B - Fischer,R [07:03]
- 10: The bishops are hard to beat - Spassky,B - Fischer,R [06:28]
- 11: Spassky's strong bishops - Spassky,B - Fischer,R [06:07]
- 12: Do Knights really like all closed positions ? - Spassky,B - Cramling,P [08:40]
- Interactive Videos
- 01: Breaking the wall - Spassky,B - Byrne,R [04:10]
- 02: Beating Garry Kasparov - Kasparov,G - Spassky,B [04:14]
- Bonus: Morphy
- 01: Morphy's Fortress - Morphy,P - Loewenthal,J [04:26]
- 02: Morphy's escape - Morphy,P - Thomas,W [01:59]
- 03: Morphy's mating attack - Morphy,P - Thompson,J [02:47]
- 04: Heavy pieces attack - Owen,J - Morphy,P [10:42]
- 05: Did Morphy miss the win ? - Morphy,P - Loewenthal,J [05:46]
- 06: Morphy overpresses - Morphy,P - Loewenthal,J [04:55]
- 07: Opening a second front - Harrwitz,D - Morphy,P [07:56]
- 08: Morphy's mighty pawns - Anderssen,A - Morphy,P [06:59]
- 09: The old riddle Bird - Morphy - Bird,H - Morphy,P [05:20]
- 10: The refutation of my "winning proof" - Bird,H - Morphy,P [05:16]
- 11: The critical 22.Kb1! Bf5!? - Bird,H - Morphy,P [05:38]
- Interactive Video
- 01: Morphy's mighty passed pawns - Morphy,P - Paulsen,L 1-0 [02:49]
Jazyk: | angličtina, němčina |
Úroveň: | pro každého |
Minimální: | Počítač: Dual Core |
Doporučené: | Procesor: PC Intel i5 (Quadcore) |
Účet ChessBase: | Přístup k internetu a moderní webový prohlížeč, např. Chrome, Edge, Safari. |
Doplňkové parametry
Kategorie: | Koncovka |
Hmotnost: | 0.001 kg |
Autor: | Müller, Karsten |
Jazyk: | Angličtina, Němčina |
Úroveň: | Pro každého |
Rok vydání: | 2019 |
Streaming: | Ne |
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