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615 položek celkem
1...d6 Universal, Nigel Davies - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
680 Kč

1...d6 can be used as a universal defence against every White opening, offering Black the kind of dynamic play that is absent from more traditional defences. If White eschews...

1.e4 e5 - An active Repertoire for Black, Adrian Mikhalchishin - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

For young and developing players a very important piece of advice is to study open positions and to understand the value of coordination of the pieces plus the role of the...

1.e4 Repertoire, Sam Collins - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
690 Kč

Grandmaster lines explained for club players – Constructing an opening repertoire is one of the chess player’s most difficult and time-consuming tasks. Turned off by masses of...

1.Nf3: A Reti-Grandmaster course for strategic understanding and flexibility Vol.1 - Fianchetto Systems, Felix Blohberger - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
880 Kč

Looking for a versatile and strategic opening repertoire that doesn’t rely on memorising endless variations? In this course, Grandmaster Felix Blohberger delivers a complete...

1.Nf3: A Reti-Grandmaster course for strategic understanding and flexibility Vol.2 - Classical Systems, Felix Blohberger - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
880 Kč

Looking for a versatile and strategic opening repertoire that doesn’t rely on memorising endless variations? In this course, Grandmaster Felix Blohberger delivers a complete...

3.h4 against the King's Indian and Grünfeld, Sipke Ernst - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

For some time now, we’ve known that the strongest chess engines like to push their flank pawns up the board. This has led to an interesting system, with which we can meet the...

5.Nge2 against the King's Indian Defence, Nico Zwirs - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
250 Kč

The King’s Indian Defence is popularised by none other than Gary Kasparov. His aggressive play stole a lot of hearts in the 80’s and his influence is seen even today. The KID is...

A Black Repertoire against Offbeat Openings, Nicholas Pert - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

Many club players have their favourite pet opening variations which aren’t necessarily main lines. It’s important to know how to handle these variations as your opponent will...

A Black Repertoire against the Two Knights, Robert Ris - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

With the Traxler Variation (4.Ng5 Bc5!?) spearheading their repertoire, any player should look forward to fighting for the initiative against the Two Knights with Black. Its...

A Black Repertoire versus the Anti-Sicilians, Nicholas Pert - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

The Sicilian is the most popular opening against 1.e4 because it is theoretically sound but offers Black double-edged play at the same time. Whilst you must know how to handle...

A busy person’s opening system, Nigel Davies - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
690 Kč

Players with interests and commitments away from the chess board often find it difficult to compete against those with more study time. Their opponents come to the board armed...

A Classical Guide to the French Defence, Yannick Pelletier - verze ke stažení (anglicky, francouzsky)
750 Kč

The French Defence is the sharpest opening setup against 1.e4. With his first two moves, e6 and d5, Black tries to provoke the advance e4-e5. This closes the centre and gives...

A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 & 1.c4, Robert Ris - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
1 380 Kč

These video courses feature a black repertoire against 1.d4, 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. The recommended variations are easy to learn and not difficult to remember, but also pose White...

A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.d4, Robert Ris - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

This video course offers you a complete, clear repertoire for Black against 1.d4, based on the Queen’s Gambit Accepted (1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4). By trading off the d-pawn, Black is...

A Complete Black Repertoire against 1.Nf3 & 1.c4, Robert Ris - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

This video course offers you a complete, clear repertoire for Black against the moves 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. The recommended variations are easy to learn and not difficult to remember,...

A Complete Black Repertoire versus the English, 1...e5, Nicholas Pert - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
750 Kč

The English is becoming increasingly popular as White players avoid the heavy theory of 1.e4 or 1.d4 and hope to achieve a small advantage in a safe position. A lot of club...

A Complete Guide for Black against the Anti-Sicilian, Robert Ris - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
1 000 Kč

Have you always wanted to play the Sicilian as Black, but been discouraged by the abundance of options for White? Here is the solution to becoming a lifelong successful Sicilian...

A dangerous weapon against the Caro-Kann in 60 Minutes, Andrew Martin - verze ke stažení (anglicky)
250 Kč

On this 60 minutes video, we are going to examine an unusual and dangerous weapon against the solid Caro-Kann. It's not a new idea, but in the modern era is fast becoming...

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